Friday 19 October 2012


The argument on whether or not technology is making society lazy is much too large to be covered. However there are three main points or arguments that can be mounted for the idea that technology is making people lazy. Technology is part of humans lives, however there are side effects that could be disastrous for people. This essay will try to convince people that too much technology in the wrong places can cause more harm than good.
The first three points are about the advantages of technology, the disadvantages of technology and the solutions to overcome technology and the laziness that is within people. Followed by a conclusive statement, talking about the four points and summarizing it all up.     

Thursday 18 October 2012


Firstly, technology has a long list of usefulness and its advantages. Technology has advanced a tremendous amount since 1900. From then till now, the amount of changes technology has gone through is amazing. Technology is very useful when used in the correct place, such as hospitals. Hospitals need to have the top and most advanced technology so that they are able to help save lives.  
 Technology has also changed the way people look at it. For example, if a person happens to lose their limb they can get a prosthetic replacement. Technology is not only able to save lives it can also restore them. Technology has also advanced in transport. So if a person wished to go to another country they can, by going on a aircraft. The Wright brothers had made the first plane in 1903. However since then the amount of changes made to the aircraft's, it is almost unrecognizable. The advantage of having a aircraft is that people are able to move from one country to another in a matter of hours.

Mobile phones, video game consoles, computers have all changed and have advanced from the early days. By having a mobile phone a person can communicate with another person by just pressing a button. Technology has advantages that range in all areas of peoples lives. However technology advancements are not always good, such as weapons are created that are more and more dangerous as technology advances. This will cause more problems than solutions.

Wednesday 17 October 2012



Technology may be great however it does have side effects just like everything else does. Firstly, technology is taking up a huge amount of peoples time and lives, such as video games. A tremendous amount of teenagers and some adults spent up to 13 hours a day playing video games. That is a massive amount of time wasted, by just playing video games. People also are too busy on their mobile phones, to socialise and interact with others. People tend to be on the internet all the time.

Research shows that people spend up to 11.2 hours on the internet, they most probably are on a social networking websites or just watching videos. The main cause of laziness is most probably the internet. By having internet, people tend to rely on it far to much. If they don not know an answer to something, the most logical thing to do is go on Google. People are not using their brain cells because of the internet. That is a big disadvantage of technology. People are not using their brains and  relying to much on technology to do everything for them.  

People may not realise it now but later on they will come to understand how important it is to use your brain. Technology has a large amount of disadvantages and it revolves around internet and video games. However these sorts of technology are useful when it is required. There may be lots of problems about technology, when it comes to internet it is up to the user to realise how long they should be online. However people don't work to time limits and stay on for far to long. Then they will get more problems that they have to deal with.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


There might not be a large amount of solutions stop being lazy from over use of technology. However there are small steps that people that can take into consideration when they get on their computer, phone or the internet. Firstly, people can cut down on there internet, computer and mobile phone usage. From there on they can take another step and cut down more time, until they have cut down to a reasonable amount of usage. This may not happen overnight, however if a person tries hard enough they can achieve it.
Technology varies from just about everything in our daily lives. There isn't any rules about using technology. It is up to the user to understand and use their common sense. When talking about rules, weapons do have them. So to use  them they need to be well trained and use it for justice. Technology advancements in that area is too dangerous and because of that there isn't any solutions to weapons.

Monday 15 October 2012


To conclude, Technology has it's good features, advantages and disadvantages. There are solutions to fix problems that are caused by technology however for some technology there isn't any solutions only problems. As a whole technology does make people people lazy it ranges from everything in our daily lives all the way through to other venues. From the research shown, technology does more harm than good. It damages people mentally and physically.

Sunday 14 October 2012


Jayne, R. (2012, February 28). Does technology make your life easier . Retrieved from

Broers, S. (2010, March 27). Why are teens so lazy today?. Retrieved from

Webb, M. (2006, May 30). All this technology makes people lazy. Retrieved from

Parnell, M. (2009, December 09). Is technology making us lazy?. Retrieved from

Technology makes our society lazy. (2003, Apr 26). Orillia Today. Retrieved From

Sunday 23 September 2012

Does technology make your life easier

Rosemary Jayne wrote the article "Does technology make your life easier " Jayne talks about how technology can help with doing assignments, socializing with friends online or simply reading a book. Jayne talks about the detailed aspects of each point and how it helps the society as a whole. keeping up with family and friends in a different country is important, Jayne talks about how technology can help with that and various other things.